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Sunday, March 29, 2015

жизнь после смерти

Притча о двух младенцах - ?ראית פעם דבר כזה שנקרא אמא -Have you ever seen MOM?

Is there life after birth? Do you believe in Mom? - Nah, I don't believe in these things. I'm an atheist. I mean, have you ever seen Mom?

שלום אחי היקר ! מה אתה אומר, האם יש חיים אחרי הרחם -
?הזה ? . האם אתה מאמין בדבר כזה שנקרא אמא ? 

עזוב שטויות הכל דמיונות,אני אטאיסט, ראית פעם דבר כזה -
 שנקרא אמא, משהו חזר פעם מהעולם שאחרי 
הרחם ??


В животе беременной женщины разговаривают двое младенцев. Один из них верующий, другой неверующий

Неверующий младенец: Ты веришь в жизнь после родов?

Верующий младенец: Да, конечно. Всем понятно, что жизнь после родов существует. Мы здесь для того, чтобы стать достаточно сильными и готовыми к тому, что нас ждет потом.

Неверующий младенец: Это глупость! Никакой жизни после родов быть не может! Ты можешь себе представить, как такая жизнь могла бы выглядеть?

Верующий младенец: Я не знаю все детали, но я верю, что там будет больше света, и что мы, может быть, будем сами ходить и есть своим ртом.

Неверующий младенец: Какая ерунда! Невозможно же самим ходить и есть ртом! Это вообще смешно! У нас есть пуповина, которая нас питает. Знаешь, я хочу сказать тебе: невозможно, чтобы существовала жизнь после родов, потому что наша жизнь пуповина и так уже слишком коротка.

Верующий младенец: Я уверен, что это возможно. Все будет просто немного по-другому. Это можно себе представить.

Неверующий младенец: Но ведь оттуда ещё никто никогда не возвращался! Жизнь просто заканчивается родами. И вообще, жизнь это одно большое страдание в темноте.

Верующий младенец: Нет, нет! Я точно не знаю, как будет выглядеть наша жизнь после родов, но в любом случае, мы увидим маму, и она позаботится о нас.

Неверующий младенец: Маму? Ты веришь в маму? И где же она находится?

Верующий младенец: Она везде вокруг нас, мы в ней пребываем и благодаря ей движемся и живем, без нее мы просто не можем существовать.

Неверующий младенец: Полная ерунда! Я не видел никакой мамы, и поэтому очевидно, что ее просто нет.

Верующий младенец: Не могу с тобой согласиться. Ведь иногда, когда все вокруг затихает, можно услышать, как она поет, и почувствовать, как она гладит наш мир. Я твердо верю, что наша настоящая жизнь начнется только после родов. А ты?

входная виза .... или... не умею читать ... :)
очень смешной клип ;):):):)6:45 минут
Posted by Ilana Magaseyeva Tserlin on Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Selections from the Works of Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah.................... Earthbound Spirits and Possession From HaRuhot Mesaperot, The Spirits Speak, Parashat Yekezkel

לעילוי נשמת אחי -יונה בן מעשיה , זכרונו לברכה Selections from the Works of
Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah....................
Earthbound Spirits and Possession
From HaRuhot Mesaperot, The Spirits Speak,
Parashat Yekezkel
“Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy to the spirit; prophesy, son of man, and say to the spirit,
‘Thus says my L-rd HaShem: Spirit, come forth from all the four winds; breathe upon 
these slain, so that they may live’.” (Yehezkel 37:9) This pasuk speaks of the dead of
Israel who have been murdered. They were all dumped together into one (specific)
valley, and left for their bones to dry out. Now Yehezkel was standing by them and
prophesying to them in the Name of HaShem. The bones then started to come back
together in their rightful positions. Then muscle and flesh were formed over them, finally
to be covered with skin; yet there was no spirit (of life) within them. Then did Yehezkel
start to prophesy, to tell the siprits to return to their bodies, in order that they may live.
All this is explained in Perek (Chapter) 37.

Now, when he prophesied to the spirit, he called the spirit to come from “all the four
winds”. According to Rashi, these “four winds” are the .............. Preface by Author

I am honored to present to brothers the people of Israel

My small gift, Minhat Yehuda, mixed with oil. These 
Ideas which I developed and expanded when reading the 
Bible, are the way to understand the text. These thoughts
Were hidden and concealed by me since the month of Adar, 5672 [1912].
Recently, on Tuesday, the 7th of Kislev, 5693 [1932], I completed with 
God s help my commentary to the Etz Haim, titled Beit Lehem Yehuda,
I then had free time and returned to this work in order to perfect it and enhance it with gilded crown and crest. To these I have added several verses interpreted literally and allusively.

Along with the allusive meaning I also explain sometimes the meaning of dreams and their interpretations, so that a person may thereby recognize and distinguish a particular dream if it came by of an angel, or by demons, or destroyers. He will also be able to understand and interpret that dream without needing to consult experts on dream interpretation, all of which is explained in our commentary to the portion of Miketz [chapter 47]. 

This work also elucidates the topic of the World to Come, the resurrection of the Dead, the reward granted for observing the commandments, and the nature of the physical pleasure experienced by a righteous person who occupied himself with the Torah and its laws, as explained at the end of the portion of Va et hanan [chapter 69].

Also addressed is the topic of the reincarnation of souls in the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms, the blessing for trees, the order in which the sacred sparks ascend and are purified, and the meaning of Satan s question, Where is the Torah? All this is explained in the beginning of the portion of Ekev [chapter 70].

Also explained is the occurrence of plague and pestilence, see the commentary to Isaiah 26 [chapter 81]. Also explained is the matter of Hell, which is not mentioned in the Bible,
And the reincarnation of Nathan of Gaza the author of the book Hemdat Yamim , and how he was rectified. In the course of the discussion, the matter of rectifying naked souls will be addressed, see the commentary to Isaiah 30[chapter 82].

Also explained is the issue of spirits which possess people and cause them to have seizures, may the Merciful One protect us, about which I recorded a number of stories in great detail.

The matter of the beating in the grave is also described, that a person is asked their name in the grave, the purpose of that question, and what happens to a person after the beating in the grave. How he is presented to the Heavenly Court to give an account and reckoning of his actions. The benefits of repentance, the Pouch of the Slingshot, the reincarnations in the mineral, vegetable , animal and human kingdoms, the calculation of sentence in Hell, the entire sequence what befalls a man from the moment of his death until he merits to enter the Garden of Eden. Which actions are beneficial and useful to the soul of the deceased, to deliver and succor him from the suffering imposed on him by the Heavenly Court. Which subjects should be studied on the grave of the deceased, the implication of a deceased person appearing to his relatives in a dream, the angels of destruction appointed over a person, their facial features, the form of their bodies and what they eat, that a newborn child must not be named after a deceased person , unless he was clearly a righteous person, upright and honest, or at least to effect a rectification for that deceased before naming a child after him, also the text of the confession for a repentant man for the sins committed by his soul. as detailed in the commentary to Ezekiel 37[chapter 88].
These are the words of the most insignificant of all living, the novice
Yehuda Moses Joshua FetayaPhoto: ‎לעילוי נשמת אחי -יונה בן מעשיה , זכרונו לברכה  Selections from the Works of 
Rabbi Yehuda Fatiyah....................
Earthbound Spirits and Possession 
From HaRuhot Mesaperot, The Spirits Speak, 
Parashat Yekezkel 
“Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy to the spirit; prophesy, son of man, and say to the spirit, 
‘Thus says my L-rd HaShem: Spirit, come forth from all the four winds; breathe upon 
these slain, so that they may live’.” (Yehezkel 37:9) This pasuk speaks of the dead of 
Israel who have been murdered. They were all dumped together into one (specific) 
valley, and left for their bones to dry out. Now Yehezkel was standing by them and 
prophesying to them in the Name of HaShem. The bones then started to come back 
together in their rightful positions. Then muscle and flesh were formed over them, finally 
to be covered with skin; yet there was no spirit (of life) within them. Then did Yehezkel 
start to prophesy, to tell the siprits to return to their bodies, in order that they may live. 
All this is explained in Perek (Chapter) 37. 
Now, when he prophesied to the spirit, he called the spirit to come from “all the four 
winds”. According to Rashi, these “four winds” are the ..............‎